

Starla Marcelo, Senior Editor & Writer

Aquarius- January 21 to February 18

This month, try and find a way to make someone’s life easier. You never know what they could be going through so you should always try to help out in any way you can. It doesn’t even have to be anything big. For example, something as small as helping someone carry their things can brighten someone else’s day.


Pisces- February 19 to March 20 

This month, your life may feel like it is falling apart, but you just have to stay positive! There is ALWAYS something you can put a positive spin on, be it a little thing, or a great big thing!


Aries- March 21 to April 20

This month, try and appreciate the little things, like when a sibling is nice, or when you have your favorite meal for dinner. This will give you a newfound sense of respect for everyday privileges that others might not have.


Taurus- April 21 to May 21

This month, don’t take things for granted. If you have younger siblings, they won’t want to play with you forever. If you get an opportunity, you don’t know when you will get a chance like that again, so you have to seize your moment.


Gemini-May 22 to June 21

This month, try to put more effort into making yourself happy. School might have you a bit stressed lately, but try and put away some time every day to focus on you. Some good ideas for this are meditation, exercise, or even just hanging out with friends!


Cancer- June 22 to July 22

This edition, try your best to keep yourself on the right track. You tend to get distracted easily, so this month if you stay focused, you are sure to have a great and successful year!


Leo- July 23 to August 23

This month, the rotation of the sun will cause you to be a bit down. Every time you feel in a glass-half-empty kind of mood, you are missing the point of glasses- they’re refillable! By this, I mean that when you are feeling down, try and do things that you enjoy, such as, playing with your pet, or playing a game with your family!


Virgo- August 24 to September 22

This month, try to keep grounded. Middle School can be hard, with drama, and homework, and at times it feels like you are being sucked into a tornado. Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, just close your eyes and take a deep breath. 


Libra- September 23 to October 23

This month, try to take every chance you get. Do extra credit, or just do more to get a better grade! Go to more extracurriculars or more activities with your friends! Try to take advantage of everything you can!


Scorpio- October 24 to November 22

This month, try to appreciate what you have, what you’re getting, and how it makes you feel. Many people have worked very hard from where they have been to where they are now and you should be grateful for that.  


Sagittarius- November 23 to December 21

This month, explore your free-spirited nature. During your free time, go outside! Explore your neighborhood! For example, I explored the stream near my house a year or two ago, and now it is one of my favorite places. Remember to always use bug/tick spray when going somewhere with high grasses or a wooded area.


Capricorn- December 22 to January 20

This month, happiness and good fortune will come your way. Don’t use your happiness to make others feel bad though, or you will truly regret it! If anything, use this time to help others increase their good fortune. Good karma is key this month!