Who is Dr. Lendis? Recently, there have been many changes here at FMS, including the new principals. Dr. Lendis is the new 7th and 8th grade principal. We interviewed Dr. Lia Lendis so that you can get the inside scoop!
Getting to Know Our Principal:
Falcon Press: What influenced you to become a principal?
Dr. Lia Lendis: I always loved teaching. My parents weren’t able to go to school so they instilled in me and my brother this love of education and wanted us to go to pursue a good education.
FP: What did you do before becoming our principal?
LL: In high school and college, some of my jobs included scooping ice cream, being a waitress at an Italian restaurant, and I even pumped gas. Then I was a middle school and high school Social Studies teacher for many years before becoming an administrator.
FP: What do you like to do in your free time?
LL: I love to read. I like crime/thriller novels and historical fiction. I also binge-watch Netflix and like cooking.
FP: What was your favorite subject in school?
LL: Social Studies. I loved it so much that I wanted to teach it. I love the human story.
FP: What’s your go-to movie for movie night?
LL: Jaws and The Sound of Music.
FP: What advice would you give to the students this school year?
LL: What is one thing that will push you a little further each day? Extend yourself one more degree to change you or someone else’s day and make things better.
FP: Is there anything else that you would like to share with the student body?
LL: I’m excited for a great school year of learning and growing with everyone.
FMS Policies
FP: As the new principal, do you plan to make any changes?
LL: It’s important when you start a new position to review things before changing anything…so I wouldn’t make any swooping changes immediately.
FP: What are your plans and goals for the school year?
LL: Getting to know the operations, seeing the school year unfold. I like to take notes in a notebook and review them with my team to keep FMS improving.
FP: Which current FMS rules would you eliminate, if any?
LL: I don’t know about eliminate, but I would love to see more recess or outdoor time. Middle school is a good time for students to enjoy the outdoors and be outside.
FP: If students have feedback about current FMS procedures, how should they express them?
LL: You could always email me or join the many clubs or student council. I would like to start something where we have monthly meetings with student leaders to help improve the school.
FP: The new homework policy is substantially different than last year. What are your reasons behind the new homework protocols?
LL: The world is changing and there is a lot more asked of young people. Expectations are getting harder and we are trying to prepare you. Homework also helps with time management and responsibility.
FP: When you first came to FMS, what were your initial thoughts about the school?
LL: It’s so big, it has stairs! Our strength is in our numbers, with so many students, everyone should feel like they belong.
FP: As a principal, students will look up to you. What would you like them to notice about you?
LL: I’m hands on. I don’t hide behind a title. I’m a very real person and I want to be approachable.
FP: If you could change one thing about schools and education around the world, what would you do?
LL: To not be so stuck on test scores. There are more ways to measure growth than just a score.
While these new changes here at FMS may be different, it can also be good. We hope you learned more about Dr. Lendis, our new 7th and 8th grade principal, and the reasons behind some of the changes this year. So everyone please give a warm welcome to Dr. Lendis when you see her around school!