Welcome back to What’s On Stage! This edition is all about those hidden gems you see around broadway. This edition features Merrily We Roll Along and Back to the Future: The Musical. Both of these shows are not as advertised as other shows like Hamilton but are still as amazing and good!
The first show is one of Stephen Sondheim’s pieces and impresses you from start to finish! Merrily We Roll Along tells a story of a friendship and redemption. Not only is the story amazing, so are the performers! Playing the leads are Lindsay Mendez, a Tony award winner, Jonathan Groff the original King George the III in Hamilton, and Daniel Radcliffe, the original Harry Potter! As of today Merrily We Roll Along is showing at the Hudson Theatre until July 7th. Hopefully you can “merrily roll along” to the Hudson Theatre to see this amazing show!
The next show is a rendition of a movie that changed the movie world forever. In Back to the Future: The Musical you follow the same characters from the original movie, but this time through song and dance! Back to the Future: The Musical tells the story of Doc and a kid who must save the future together. As of today Back to the Future: The Musical is playing at the Winter Garden Theater until December 2024, so get on down to the Winter Garden theater to see a classic on stage!
Normally, I would give you two shows to see, but because the school year is almost over, here are a few more shows to see over the summer!
At the Papermill Playhouse, Beautiful: The Carole King Musical is performing as a tribute to the wonderful music artist. Soon after, the New Voices: Endless Ovations show is playing. This show features nearly 100 kids that are all from 11 to 18 years old. Ask around and you may know someone involved in the program! Hopefully, you will see a show at the Papermill Playhouse this year. It’s truly worth it.
On Broadway, a couple shows to see are MJ, the musical tribute to Michael Jackson. Another show you may enjoy seeing over the summer is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. This show tells the story of what happened when Harry, Hermione, and Ron grew up. Harry Potter fans will absolutely love this amazing and suspenseful show! When you see either of these shows, it is time and money well spent.
Throughout the year we have looked at fantasy, horror, and overall amazing shows within driving distance of Morristown. I hope you can see how amazing the power of the arts can be! Have an amazing summer and make sure to keep theater in your life!
Works Cited
Wikipedia, https://www.google.com/search?q=back+to+the+future+musical&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwje156fmvyFAxXMBmIAHQzjALwQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=back+to+the+future+musical&g. Accessed 7 May 2024.
Wikipedia, https://www.google.com/search?q=merrily+we+roll+along&sca_esv=97634d0872045a02&rlz=1CAOUAQ_enUS1081&tbm=isch&prmd=visnmbtz&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUK. Accessed 13 May 2024.