Is it hard for you to wake up super early in the morning? Many of us struggle because school starts at 7:55, and we don’t have enough time to get ready. So how can you have the best morning routine to optimize your chances of getting to school on time?
The first step to having a good morning routine is having a good night routine. If you’re having trouble getting all of your morning tasks, then you can simply move them over to your night routine. You should prepare anything you can the day before, such as picking out clothes, packing your backpack, charging your Chromebook, and making your lunch. This means less stress in the morning, so you don’t have to rush as much to get to school on time.
The second part of having a good morning routine is getting enough sleep to be able to function the next day. A good way to ensure you have the best sleep is the three, two, one method. No work three hours before you go to sleep, no food two hours before you go to sleep, and no screens or blue light one hour before you go to sleep. Another things to help you sleep is having a sleep routine, like lighting a scented candle or drinking tea before bed. People who have trouble falling asleep could also try a technique used by the Navy. First get in a comfortable position. Then clench and then relax every muscle in your body starting with your head and ending with your feet. When you’re fully relaxed, repeat a phrase in your head like “sleep” or “don’t think” to distract your brain from other thoughts.
The last part of having a good morning routine is setting alarms and actually getting up when they go off. If you have trouble with this, try setting multiple alarms. You can also set reminders spacing out when you’re supposed to have a task done. For example, you can have a reminder telling you to get dressed, brush your teeth, and eat breakfast.
Many people have trouble with their mornings. If you’re trying some of these ideas, it might be helpful to write down your new morning routine and night routine, until you get used to it. What will you try to start your day?