Virtual Learning During A Pandemic

Virtual Learning During A Pandemic

James Watson, Writer

Do you like Virtual Learning? It can be tough, but nationwide and globally, schools are implementing virtual learning. Students have to do classes they do not usually do on the computer like physical education, art, industrial arts, and music. At our school, we have had three phases, people have had many different reactions, and there are many different ways to cope during this difficult time. 

There have been various phases during Virtual Learning and they have all been different. During phase one, according to the Virtual Learning Hub from the Morris School District, “Phase One allowed us to transition to a new way of delivering instruction, to build our technological capacity, and to acquire feedback from students, parents, and teachers on what was working well and what could be improved.” During phase 1, in middle school students could use the Go Guardian chat feature so they can communicate with their teachers during their exact class time and we have continued to do that. During phase two, students could get direct instruction and a balance of offline and online activities. Teachers also were engaging with students more with platforms such as Google Meet, so teachers could present lessons or classes could meet. During phase three, students continued learning new skills and increased Google Meets and live lessons. 

There have been various reactions to virtual instruction. Some aspects that people like are that even though you have to see your friends virtually, it is still a way you can “connect” with friends and teachers. It can be hard because being at home can be distracting. However, with extra support like Flexible Fridays, students can catch up on assignments that they have not yet done, which will reduce stress. How have you reacted to virtual learning?

It can be hard to cope during quarantine since these times are tough. According to the CDC, students need to “…take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting. Take care of your body, Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy, connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.” These are all ways to keep students healthy and happy. During the summer, some good tips may be to see people from a distance by wearing a mask and standing six feet apart. Although it’s not like socializing before the pandemic, just talking to others, taking walks or drives around the community, or otherwise getting out of the house can improve mental health. Play outside if you can, but be vigilant and keep a distance from others. 

In conclusion, virtual learning is tough. Every single person you go to school is virtually learning; we are all doing this together. Even though it is hard, you can use coping strategies to keep sane. So get out there and talk to people virtually or from a distance, and take care of yourself!