Have you ever wanted to know a little bit more about the FMS administration? We are so lucky to have such amazing people working at FMS. They are always working behind the scenes to help us have a better middle school experience, but students want to have a better understanding of all of the hard work they put in or what their life is like outside of school. We interviewed Mr. Marc Gold, the 7th-grade assistant principal, to learn more about his life and his role at Frelinghuysen.
Falcon Press: What are your hobbies?
Mr. Marc Gold: Spending time with family and friends, anything outdoors, whether that’s going to the playground with my son, going to the beach, hiking, or playing golf. I also love sports.
FP: What’s your go-to movie for movie night?
MG: I have to think this one out loud! I’m a big comedy guy, I like a lot of movies! I’ll tell you this, the one movie that I’ve watched frequently lately – my wife laughs at me about it – it’s called The Big Short. It’s about the 2008 housing crisis, where the bubble popped. I really like the way the scenes flow through, the actors are really good too, and I really just enjoy true events, so that’s a good one.
FP: If you had to listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
MG: See, I’m not so much into music, but I’ll pick my wedding song, Conversations in the Dark by John Lennon.
FP: Would you rather sit in a window seat or aisle seat?
MG: If I am traveling with my wife, I would rather sit in the middle seat. I don’t have much of a preference, but that is what I would prefer.
FP: If you had to live in one season for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
MG: Fall. I just love everything about it! The changing of the colors, the temperature, and I get to wear my favorite outfit.
FP: If you had to eat one food everyday, what would it be?
MG: Grilled chicken.
FP: What’s your favorite Morristown restaurant?
MG: I like the Morristown Diner, the Millburn Deli, and Lovey’s, but the Morristown Diner is definitely one of my favorites.
FP: If you could have any other job what would it be?
MG: I wouldn’t want another job! I have wanted to be a teacher or administrator since high school! If I really had to pick, I would love to be a basketball coach.
FP: What do you think is the perfect amount of homework each night?
MG: Reading between 15-20 mins a night for ELA, plus math like 15 minutes, and Social Studies and Science, so probably like an hour and a half per night for all classes combined.
FP: Why did you become an assistant principal?
MG: When I was a Special Education teacher, I saw the impact I was having on students and I thought that was really rewarding, so I got my administrative certification to be able, I think, to have an impact on more students.
FP: What is your favorite part about being a principal?
MG: There’s a lot that I like! I love working with all of the teachers and students, and I love the unpredictability of the job, and what it entails.
FP: What is your favorite thing about FMS and the Morris School District?
MG: I don’t know if I have one favorite thing. I’ll say this because I am working in the middle school: I really like working with middle school students because they are going through so much change in their life, physically, mentally, intellectually, and I like to try to guide them in the right direction. Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don’t, but I love it when they come back in high school and say, “You were right about that – that helped me a lot.”
FP: If you could change anything about the school what would it be?
MG: To have the ability to have lunch all together as a school.
FP: What do you like about the new school system? What do you think has improved?
MG: I am not in the 6th grade, but I do think that it is wonderful to provide the opportunity to help the 6th graders transition in a more supportive way, and we will see the results for that in a few years, hopefully.
FP: What things would you like to change about the new school system? What do you think could be improved further?
MG: I do think that we could have more in-school peer mentoring for our 6th and 7th graders as well.
FP: Do you have any new ideas for the school year?
MG: My focus is on two things: rigor and rapport. Working with teachers to have more rigor in the classroom, and more support for that, and working with our teachers to be able to know their students, not only in school and outside of school.
FP: What is a quote that you live by?
MG: “Livin’ the Dream.” As I mentioned earlier, I truly am living my dream. When I come to work, I don’t feel like I’m working, it’s a passion of mine. I feel bad for people who wake up and don’t like where they are going. I just love my job, and I am living the dream. Some people use this quote as sarcasm, but I am being completely serious about it. If I have to do work after school hours, I am happy too because I know it is helping people and doesn’t feel like work.
FP: What is some advice that you have for the school year and FMS students?
MG: Two pieces of advice I have is to get involved with many different clubs and activities because you don’t know where you are going to find your passion. Also, ask the same question to different individuals so that you can get more insights on the things that you need to know and it can help you along and through the school year.