Do you remember when you were new at FMS? At some point, everyone has started fresh at a new school. Whether it’s to a new elementary school where you will learn math and reading, or to college where you prepare and study for your future job and career, orientations are important! However, to learn about the school you will soon be attending, you need to know more about the campus, rules and precautions, and the experiences you’ll have.
What is a school orientation?
Orientation is an experience students have before they attend a new school. Most times, children will take a field trip to the school they will soon be attending. Sometimes they are greeted by a tour guide to show them around the school, or an activity to excite them about the transition they will soon make. Orientations are a fun and important way to ensure children are prepared and ready for the new change in schools. In the Morris School District, fifth graders get to visit to FMS every spring, and there is also a Fifth-Grade Showcase Night that helps students and their parents feel more comfortable with the building.
Why are orientations so important?
Orientations prepare students for a new school, but how? Often, the principal of the school will talk about what the students’ new schedules look like, talk them through the rules they will have to follow as a student, and show them around the building. Although some may not think this is important, this helps children feel more comfortable with the new school. After walking through the school a few times, students feel more confident they will be able to find their way around the space. At FMS, students provide tours for the 5th-graders during the school day, and at the Fifth-Grade Showcase, students can explore the building with their parents after hearing Mr. Uglialoro’s welcome message.
What happens at a school orientation?
School orientations are when students learn about the school, but they also showcase fun experiences they might have, like clubs, sports, or other activities. Students can understand what to look forward to in the new school. This year we welcomed the fifth-graders with special performances by the chorus, band, and orchestra. Considering FMS students were once the fifth-graders sitting and watching the performance, and now are performing for the other kids, it was a fun way to welcome the rising sixth-graders. However, some children’s orientation experiences are different, including games, outdoor activities, and icebreaker activities. During the Fifth-Grade Showcase, FMS students shared about their favorite extracurricular activities that students can join.
Orientations are fun, exciting, and important. If you get to go to a school orientation and think it’s a waste of time, think again. It will very much help you navigate your way through the new school that you will soon attend. Rising sixth-graders, try to learn as much as you can so you can be as successful as possible here at FMS!