Most of us have probably dreamed about walking through enchanted lands at some point in our lives, and though that may not be possible, there are still some pretty cool places that don’t feel real that you can actually visit!
Mendenhall Ice Caves
Located in Juneau Alaska, the Mendenhall Ice Caves are truly a beautiful place to visit. The cave is a passageway xthrough a glacier that was formed by running water. As you are walking through the cave, you will be able to see a beautiful ombré of blues in the ice lining the walls of the caves. It truly looks magical! Sadly, due to global warming, the ice caves are becoming less stable and melting, so unless something can be done in time, the ice caves may not be accessible in the future.
The Oregon Vortex
The Oregon Vortex, located in Gold Hill, Oregon, is known for some strange things. The Oregon Vortex is a spherical field of force, half above and half below the ground. Because of this, some seemingly unbelievable occurrences happen. An example of this is two people standing on a level platform. The person standing on the end to the magnetic south appears taller, but when you switch and they are standing on the side to the magnetic north, they appear shorter.
Salar de Uyuni
The Salar de Uyuni is located in Bolivia, and is the world’s largest salt flat. The Salar de Uyuni covers more than 4,000 square miles of land, and during the wet season, a thin layer of water forms creating a beautiful mirror effect. It looks like you are walking among the clouds!
Though we can never truly walk through the mystical lands of stories, there are some pretty cool places that exist that come pretty close! From beautiful ice caves to salt flats, the world truly has some magical places.
Works Cited
Wikipedia, https://www.ask.com/lifestyle/places-earth-dont-look-real. Accessed 7 May 2024.
The Oregon Vortex and location of the House of Mystery, https://www.oregonvortex.com/. Accessed 7 May 2024.
Hernandes, Massimo. “The Ultimate Guide To Salar de Uyuni.” Just Bolivia, 21 September 2020, https://justbolivia.com/salar-de-uyuni/. Accessed 7 May 2024.
James, Tyler. “The Oregon Vortex is One of the Strangest Places On Earth.” That Oregon Life, 18 February 2023, https://thatoregonlife.com/2016/06/oregon-vortex-one-strangest-places-earth/. Accessed 7 May 2024.
Ricardo, Jose. “Mendenhall Ice Caves & Beyond: Juneau Glacier Tours Explained • Alaska Shore Tours.” Alaska Shore Tours, 8 October 2018, https://alaskashoretours.com/mendenhall-ice-caves-beyond-juneau-glacier-tours-explained/. Accessed 7 May 2024.
Strutner, Suzy. “Ditch Your Responsibilities And Go Hike The Mendenhall Ice Caves Before They Melt.” HuffPost, 3 December 2013, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mendenhall-ice-caves_n_4374019. Accessed 7 May 2024.
“10 Reasons to Visit the Uyuni Desert.” Salar De Uyuni, https://www.salardeuyuni.com/10-reasons-to-visit-the-uyuni-desert/. Accessed 7 May 2024.
“Transturin: Uyuni Salt full day – Private Service Basic Hotel de Sal in Bolivia.” My Guide Bolivia, https://www.myguidebolivia.com/experiences/transturin-uyuni-salt-full-day-private-service-basic-hotel-de-sal. Accessed 7 May 2024.