To Kill a Mockingbird is a very popular novel. It is about a small portion of the life of Scout and Jem Finch when living with their father Atticus as he defends a client for a crime he did not commit.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a great text because of it feels like a true story. Even though it is just historical fiction its style is similar to how a memoir would be written. The plot also tackles real life issues such as racism. This book is great for people who are interested in a fictional story that feels like a real part in someone’s life. However, I can see why some people would not be interested in the book. The book tackles the issues seriously and with honesty. These serious issues may discourage some readers because they might not be comfortable with the content. However, I do believe that most students will really like the book and enjoy how the book discusses about serious events.
Another wonderful component of the the book are the unique personalities of each character.. Every character talks differently, acts differently, and responds to certain situations differently. A good example of this is Atticus. He has good morals and protects the innocent no matter what, unlike other characters who may not be as ethical as him. The authenticity of the characters helps readers to connect with them.
In general I feel like this book really has no flaws as it takes an approach unlike many other books in its genre. In general it is a well-paced story, except maybe the end, which is a little drawn out. All in all, it really is one of my favorite books I’ve ever had the opportunity to read. It really is a perfect 10/10!