In the summer 2024, a new movie is coming out. It’s a sequel to a classic movie that took part in many people’s childhoods. The new “Inside Out” movie has new emotions! These new emotions show what teens go through everyday all over the world, and will be very relatable to teens and tweens. This will be a good watch for you and your families because it’s realistic, and people get new emotions all of the time.
In the first “Inside Out” it showed the emotions of a tween. The emotions were normal for a kid going through hard times. There’s Anger, Joy, Disgust, Fear, and Sadness. In the new movie they will add more emotions. When we become a tween or teen, we experience more drama and different emotions, which is why we believe this movie will be more realistic for teens. Teens are experiencing change, conflict, relationships, embarrassment, and anxiety and maybe some all at the same time. The emotions that they put in the movie are more realistic because Riley the main character is growing up and so is most of the audience. Teens can relate to this movie because it might be what they go through every day. Some kids could use this movie to comfort them. It might be a complicated time of life to go through, but you always get through it at the end.
People Get New Emotions All the Time
This new movie will also be relatable because people get new emotions constantly no matter if you are a kid or adult, you get a new emotion probably every year. We believe that because Riley will be getting new emotions, envy, ennui, and embarrassment. it will be more relatable for teens than the first movie. Teens’ experience getting new emotions and it is very rarely talked about in modern day. We teens can feel stressed because we don’t have very many movies that we could watch with our family, but we can also enjoy because it is relatable to us. Teens experience dramatic changes in our emotions one way or another and are rarely able to watch a kid’s movie to comfort us. Feeling these emotions is normal for us but we really don’t feel comfortable talking about it because the cinematic industry hasn’t normalized it in children’s movies. Many teens feel embarrassed by this (like Riley) but it’s a normal stage for us. Disney and Pixar working together to make this movie for teens and kids is a big step for teens, kids, the film industry, and families to enjoy!
Overall, this new movie will be a great watch for kids, teens, parents, and families. it will be relatable for teens because it will be more realistic and teens get new emotions every day. On June 14, 2024, this movie will come out and teens all over the world will relate to this realistic and exciting movie. In the theater or at home, make sure you watch “Inside Out 2”!
Works Cited
“Inside Out 2 (2024).” IMDb, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22022452/. Accessed 12 December 2023.
“Inside Out 2 | Teaser Trailer.” YouTube, 9 November 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWavstJydZU. Accessed 12 December 2023.
Malik, Aleena. “Inside Out 2’s Character Update Confirms It Will Be The Most Relatable Pixar Movie Yet.” Screen Rant, 13 November 2023, https://screenrant.com/inside-out-2-characters-relatable-pixar-movie/. Accessed 12 December 2023.