Boost Your Education With Your Phone
April 25, 2023
Some people think that phones should not be allowed in school, but other people think that phones should be allowed in school. In reality, phones should be allowed in school because they are beneficial to students’ educations.
Phones should be allowed in school because they will help students learn to use technology for the good of others. Christina, an English teacher, has said that “When students have access to technology and social media, they have access to empowerment and leadership online. As educators, we need to empower our students to use technology for good. When students are given the chance to use their cellphones in class as a learning tool, we can teach them how to positively influence and impact other people online.”(Science and Literacy/ Christina). When teachers make sure that students are using the cellphone the correct way, it can change a child’s learning and teach them to help others as well. This will help students think about other people than themselves.
Phones should also be allowed in school because it will increase the sense of safety of both students and parents. This is because phones are the fastest way to contact somebody in an emergency. Contacting parents mediated by the school staff sometimes takes time, so it is better for the student to contact the parent directly, especially in an emergency. It also helps students use class time more for their classwork, if they can more quickly contact parents when needed.
Lastly and most importantly, teachers have ways to make sure that students are using the phones correctly because during class. Although phones could be distracting during class, teachers can implement two ways to make sure that phones are being used correctly. First, teachers can make sure to use a stoplight cue this is to show when it is okay to students to use or charge their phones. Red means all phones put away; yellow: have them out on their desk and use only when prompted; and green, use as you need to complete the educational activity. Another way is a “cell phone hotel” where you “check in” the phone for the day or the class. This could be a useful way that teachers can make sure phones are being used the right way.
In conclusion, phones should be allowed in school. There are many ways the teachers can make sure phones are used for educational purposes. They can be useful in many different ways when it comes to school and helping others, they help keep students safe. What do you think? Can phones help enrich students’ educations?
Works Cited
Johnes, Simona. “Let’s Answer the Question, “Why Should Students Be Allowed to Use Cell Phones in Class?” With 9 Reasons.” Science and Literacy, Accessed 13 March 2023.
“20+ Teacher-Tested Tips for Managing Cell Phones in Class.” WeAreTeachers, 3 August 2022, Accessed 13 March 2023.
VanDuzer, Todd. “Cell Phones in School: 11 Reasons Why They Should Be Allowed.” Student-Tutor, Accessed 13 March 2023.