Teacher Spotlight: Madame Muster

October 18, 2022
This year is Madame Muster’s (also known as Mme Muster’s, or Mrs. Muster’s) 25th year of teaching in the Morris School District. She currently teaches French to sixth- and seventh-graders here at FMS. She is an amazing teacher and is always excited to teach the new sixth-graders, and explore the language more with seventh-graders!
Falcon Press: How long have you been a teacher?
Mrs. Muster: 25 years in the Morris School District. Before that, I used to teach philosophy, and not French, at Seton Hall.
FP: What’s your favorite part of being a teacher?
MM: Kids leave the class with an extra ability and are more likely to open up their minds to other cultures. Also, I love the spontaneity and fun in class because of the students.
FP: What was your favorite year of being a teacher?
MM: Definitely not the COVID years since it was a difficult time. Although all my years have good things in them, the last 10-15 are my favorite. The beginning was stressful as a new teacher.
FP: What is one moment that really sticks out to you as a teacher?
MM: I love it when I see students later in their lives, whether they come to FMS to visit or I bump into them out in the world. It’s always amazing to me how they’ve grown, and that I remember them and they remember me. It’s very special.
FP: Where are you from?
MM: Montreal, Quebec. I grew up in an Italian house in a French neighborhood and attended an English school. I grew up with three different languages!
FP: If you could teach any other subject, what would it be?
MM: I would teach philosophy since I studied it in grad school.
FP: What are your hobbies/interests outside of school?
MM: Gardening, hiking, and reading. Additionally, seeing friends, pottery, painting, and art-related activities. Watercolor is what I am currently interested in. My favorite books are All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, and Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell.
FP: Do you have any pets?
MM: Tucker, my dog. I used to have a budgie that talked and I would get one again.
FP: What do you enjoy about teaching?
MM: How good students feel when they learn a new skill and share the culture of French-speaking
countries. I enjoy sharing my background and life with my students. I love teaching in a way that’s fun and I like that French is a class where it’s okay and natural to make errors which helps make students feel more comfortable.
FP: Would you rather teach other grade levels? (elementary school, high school, college etc.)
MM: I would like to also teach older kids (however, not instead of working with middle school) and would teach high school or college level students.
FP: What is your favorite unit to teach?
MM: The clothing unit is my favorite because the students dress up to practice, and it can be very funny.
FP: What is your favorite grade to teach?
MM: I like both equally (6th and 7th).
FP: What made you want to become a teacher?
MM: The educational environment is a pleasant one. I consider myself a life-long learner and have always enjoyed the educational environment.
FP: What made you choose to teach Frelinghuysen instead of other schools?
MM: I lived here, so this is the area where I was looking. I had heard good things about the district and decided to apply for a job.
FP: What is your favorite part of Frelinghuysen?
MM: The people, colleagues, students, and the way the school is run. It makes everyone feel welcome and like they belong.
Thank you, Mme Muster, for donating your time to share about your personal life and love for teaching! It was a pleasure getting to know you! You are truly an awesome teacher.
So next time you see Mme Muster in the halls, or in the classroom, make sure to say “Bonjour!” or “Coucou!”