Motivational Message of the Week #2

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Nikhil Chatterjee, Senior Editor & Writer

Let’s come back, let’s wake up our weekend brains. Maybe you worked hard over the weekend but look at it as your break. Time to get back on the field, put that nudge into how you kick off the week. A small tip: try having a structured Monday. It may be hard but it will help you do well during the whole week. Be strong this week, but don’t forget to have some fun!



Wow. You did better this week than you did last week. You improved every day, you pushed yourself, and got better. Maybe you did better on a test, maybe you got faster or stronger. The point is, you improved. You put work in now, to help you in the long term. Everyone around you may not say anything, but we notice. We see you do the little things better and better every time. Good job, get some rest.