Top 10 Things to do this Spring

February 21, 2022
Ah, the month of March, and March means springtime. The sun comes out, and plants like cherry blossoms bloom and show their vibrant and vivid colors. And rain. (I don’t like the rain.) Spring is approaching us rather quickly. With the absence of winter, an astounding amount of new possibilities have opened up. From taking a simple walk to enjoy the weather to taking exhilarating bike rides anywhere, here are the top 10 things I recommend you should do in springtime.
#10: Take a walk
This first one is something you could do in the winter, but let’s get one thing straight: no one wants to take a walk when it’s below freezing outside. Besides, it’s uncomfortable to walk around in a heavy coat. However, with the warm temperatures of March, it’s in perfect condition to take a walk. Studies have also shown that taking walks and going outside is one of the top stress killers. So take your jacket off, put on your t-shirt, and enjoy the sights of nature! Who knows? You might even find a Cardinal or a Blue Jay outside.
#9: Take some pictures.
Remember how I mentioned plants blooming in the intro? Spring is by far the most beautiful time of the year. Sorry, winter. Spring is when we get the most rain and a good amount of sunshine. That means a lot for the plants, as sunshine and water are essential. Besides, you see more animals outside, like birds, rabbits, and the occasional praying mantis. Taking pictures is a great way to capture the sights of spring, from cherry blossom trees to ladybugs and the iconic photo of a leaf with a raindrop on top of it. This one might help you pass your photography class! (If you have it.)
#8: Have a picnic.
Having a picnic is a great way to get out of the house and spend time outdoors. I mean, who couldn’t resist packing sandwiches and lemonade in a basket, finding a good spot of grass to sit on, and laying down a blanket to sit on? A picnic is also an opportunity to hang out with your friends and family (make sure to wear a mask). Picnics, similar to walks, are also a great way to relieve stress and see the sights of nature. The next time you want to eat outside, you might want to consider a picnic first.
#7: Pick up a new Sport
With most sports being played spring through summer, now’s the time to try something new. Games like tennis, track, soccer, golf, and so much more open up with the arrival of spring. If you enjoy the sport, you can also continue some through the summer and even try summer sports like swimming. However, that’s a topic for another time. If you are interested in trying a new sport, you may not even have to look around town. Frelinghuysen offers a lot of spring sports that are fun for all ages to play. #NotSponsored.
#6: Go to a Farmer’s Market
Are you a fan of walking around and trying fresh, new veggies and baked goods? Then you might be interested in a Farmer’s Market! Farmer’s markets are designated streets with food stands that sell yummy fruits, vegetables, and baked goods. Sometimes they even sell things like fresh yogurt and milk! Some of the many farmer’s markets in the area are in Morristown. One that I found is called Morristown Farmers’ Market (10/10 name, guys). They have a 4.6-star rating, and some of them highlight the market’s amazing cookies and pickles. So go check it out! #AlsoNotSponsored.
#5: Start a Garden
This one will take a lot of dedication on your part, but it will be worth it. Starting a garden is something everyone would love to do, but they say it will take too long. Well, you could start now! The weather is the perfect time to maybe grow some fruits and veggies, or some flowers to spruce up the look of your yard! Be advised though, many animals will try and destroy/eat your crops, so maybe you should invest in a fence. This one isn’t for everyone, but it sure is worth it!
#4: Go Birdwatching
Birdwatching. Really? What’s so exciting about birdwatching? You just watch birds. I thought the same thing. However, thanks to a nifty website called, I changed my tone. You see, birdwatching (also known as birding) helps you connect with nature better. After going birding once or twice, you start to pay more attention to nature. Many species of birds interact with several humans and plants. Roughly 10,000 bird species are spread across the world in all of the ecosystems of the world. This motivation will encourage you to go outside more and explore more places. This is also good for your mental, physical and emotional health (starting to notice a pattern here?). Even just getting out of the house and walking around, looking for birds, can provide a good source of exercise and tranquility. There are so many beautiful birds to see, and I know this because I used to live in Brazil. Also known as the most tropical country in the world. And lots of annoying hummingbirds. So you already know the drill, go birdwatching, see some Blue Jays, and have fun.
#3: Go on a bike ride
This is a very varied thing you can do. You can literally take a bike ride anywhere, on the road, in the rough, and preferably not on the grass. (Okay, I guess that’s one place you can’t ride your bike.) “Oh, but Rafael, I don’t have a bike!” I can’t even do this one!” Well, what if I told you that if you go to New York City, you can rent a CitiBike? While you’re in New York, you can ride your bike to Central Park. If you plan on riding around the whole park then, all I gotta say is pack a lot of water. Then, maybe grab a bite after, you’ll be tired unless you’re a Tour de France champion.
#2: Visit a botanical garden
What’s a botanical garden, I hear you asking. Isn’t the word botanical related to gardens anyway? You’d be correct, but I think the business should rephrase it’s name to: Plant Museum. I went to the New York Botanical Garden and it was a truly moving experience. It’s essentially an open plant museum that has multiple exhibits on the trail. It’s a perfect opportunity to use #9 and take some pictures! Heck, the title picture taken by my brother Romario was at the NYBG. It’s not too far away, so I highly recommend you go there next weekend. But number 1 is even better than this.
#1: Visit the Turtleback Zoo Treetop Adventure course.
What a long-winded name, but this activity is for the extreme only. Unless you’re going on the kids course. Like, come on, even an infant could complete that. The TZTAC (yes, I will abbreviate that) is a treetop obstacle course that has three stages, with each obstacle and level rising in difficulty. Some obstacles repeat themselves, but they always add something that makes it harder, like the Plank Dash. The original is about two steps apart, but the harder version is about five. Pretty significant difference. Don’t worry about falling down; you put on a harness beforehand so you won’t fall. The second and third levels are optional, but the third is like an episode of American Ninja Warrior. If you’re in 7th grade or above, then you can enter the adult course and have some fun.
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you want to see more top 10s and other articles, then check out my page. I’m sure you’ll love it.