Pets During the Pandemic: A Rise in animal Adoptions Across the U.S.

March 23, 2021
Have you ever wondered why animals have been getting adopted at record levels in the past year? A simple answer for that question would be COVID-19. For the last year, we have been living through a pandemic, and we have faced a lot of new challenges during our daily lives. Whether it be stress-relief or just wanting company at home, there have been a lot of changes. We have had to be separated from our family and friends for extended periods of time, and it can be very lonely. One way to deal with this loneliness is adopting a pet!
Animals have been getting adopted throughout the quarantine in record numbers! One reason why is because of their situation in shelters. An animal shelter is a place that provides a temporary home for dogs, cats, and other animals that are offered for adoption. They are usually run either by a local government (such as a city or county) or a non-profit group. Shelters take in cats, dogs and other animals from the streets and other situations and give them a place to live before they can be adopted. However some shelters that may be lacking monetary or manual support may have less than ideal conditions for their animals. These shelters are usually municipal or open admission shelters.
Municipal shelters are run by local governments and by contract, have to take in every animal that is brought to them. For this reason, they may sometimes have to euthanize (put to death humanely) animals that come into their shelters due to the simple fact they do not have enough room. People hear about the euthansia processes and start avoiding municipal shelters saying they would never volunteer at or adopt from a municipal shelter because they are inhumane. However, this then contributes to the amount of animals being euthanized because there is no support for them. It is a vicious cycle. Now, during the pandemic, people hear about animals in these conditions and want to help them, therefore this contributes to the rise in animal adoptions.
Shelters are emptying because animals are being adopted. The Washington Post states, “What began in mid-March as a sudden surge in demand had, as of mid-July, become a bona fide sales boom. Shelters, nonprofit rescues, private breeders, pet stores — all reported more consumer demand than there were dogs and puppies to fill it” (Washington Post). As reported from the website, pets and pet supply stores have been running out of stock since the pandemic started. The popularity of getting pets this year has been increasing. This happens because lots of people have stress issues or just need a little animal by their side.
All of these animals being adopted may seem like an amazing thing, but really, it is both good and bad. It is wonderful that all of these animals are being given a new life outside of shelters where they can have a true family and unlimited love. However, many people underestimate how much work and money a new
pet really requires. Consider this, due to COVID-19 restrictions, many people are staying home more than ever to try and stop the spread of the virus. So, when people adopt during quarantine, they don’t realize that once they go back to normal and have to go to work and school, they will have significantly less time to spend time with and take care of their pet. So, while adopting a pet during the pandemic may seem like a great idea, you should really consider all aspects of the situation first. Another reason why adopting a pet during lockdown might not be the best idea is money. While the cost of adoption is pretty cheap, if you take into account the money you will need to spend fo
r the animals food, toys, grooming, veterinary care etc., it adds up very quickly. Add in the additional factor of jobs being lost due to the pandemic, and you have a very tight squeeze for cash. In many cases the pet is the first thing to go. This is why the rise in pet adoptions during the pandemic is both a good and bad thing.
In conclusion, we can agree that the rise in animal adoptions has certainly been a change for the better in America. As long as you know what you are dealing with, giving a pet a new home is a great thing. Whether it’s going for a relaxing walk outside or cozying up on the couch to watch tv, life is better with a pet.
Works Cited
Kavin, Kim. “Dog Adoptions and Sales Soar during the Pandemic.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 15 Aug. 2020,