Some Good News: Quarantine Entertainment


Anna Isleib and Jack Delgado


Recently, a famous actor named John Krasinski has started a YouTube Channel called Some Good News. He has dedicated the channel to only sharing good news in the world. He wants to show that even if the world seems like it is ending, there is hope. Created on March 29, he has created a series of eight twenty-minute episodes. 

John Krasinski talks about different times people have shown compassion towards others. He also does a FaceTime call every episode with the people who made his favorite stories. He talks to the creator of the video or photo and usually gives them something, like a trip to Hamilton or money to donate to a charity. 

There are many topics Some Good News covers. One of the segments is about how even during a global pandemic, health workers are working overtime to suppress Coronavirus symptoms, so our families and communities can stay safe. There have been stories of COVID-19 positive patients who have been able to go home. Nurses and doctors are being honored by throwing the first pitch of the baseball season. A little girl wasn’t able to go to Hamilton, so John bought her tickets for next year and had the cast sing her favorite song. He noticed that the Class of 2020 wasn’t able to go to prom or graduation, so he made his own live graduation and prom! John has inspired us to take some good action. So what can you do?

Although people still have Coronavirus concerns, it is important that positive stories are shared so that people can calm down in this time of need. If you want to spread good news, then you’re in luck because there’s plenty to do. Giving food items to homeless shelters is a great start. Because of the pandemic, homeless shelters are needed more than ever. Another idea is to donate money to shelters to help deal with the new demand. The shelter Family Promise of Morris County is a shelter supporting the homeless all over Morris County.  Another idea to help is to only buy what your family needs and not hoard essential supplies. Panic can cause the desire to hoard supplies all for themselves. This harms people who truly need supplies. 

Some Good News has about 2.5 million subscribers on Youtube since the release of the channel, but he has sold the idea of SGN to CBS because he thinks the world can spread good news without him. Let’s prove him right!