Reading: An Amazing Effect on the Mind

Reading: An Amazing Effect on the Mind

Elizabeth Powers, Writer

With the school year ending soon, summer break will be starting too. Everyone is excited with all the activities they have planned for the two-month long break before starting a whole new school year and grade in September. But there could also just be a day where you’re not doing anything, and just staying at home. But just because it’s summer break, it doesn’t mean that you can’t read over it too. There are many advantages to reading that help your health in very positive ways.

One interesting fact about how reading affects you positively: it increases your vocabulary. When you read, your vocabulary starts to increase little by little through reading the pages, and understanding what is written in them. In other words, you understand more words, and with more words being understood, it increases your vocabulary. That way, when you read, you can get a story of any kind of fictional genre you’re reading, or a nonfiction article or book you’re reading for a project or for fun.

Another interesting fact is that reading can make you feel much happier. An example is if you’re feeling sad at the moment, picking up a book and reading it can help you feel better and happier as you’re reading the story or article. It really can be true that once you pick up a book, or magazine, or anything you might like to read, you can start to feel better about something that may have been bothering or stressing you badly. So, if you feel like you’re having a bad day, reading can be a cure for that.

A final interesting fact is that reading can boost your imagination. Reading can really boost your imagination because you can imagine what is going on in the book right then as you read, from what the setting looks like, to what the characters can look like. You can even imagine how the course of the story is, the course of the plot, the adventure, the resolution, and the ending that concludes a story you enjoyed.

As shown from these reasons, reading shows more benefits than it seems. It can affect anything, from your vocabulary to your imagination. So, if you do have that one day during summer vacation where you aren’t doing anything, think about reading, from a book to a magazine. It’s a great substitute from technology.  You can also read whatever you think you’ll like best. Happy reading!