DIY Teacher Gifts for the End of the School Year

May 15, 2018
What have you learned this year? Who taught you what you know? One of the hardest jobs to have is being a teacher. As said by Mr. Uglialoro, “We could not have a better staff then the teachers here”. Teachers share knowledge and present material in an understandable and engaging way; they also care about each and every one of their students. Don’t you think your teachers deserve a gift for all their hard work and dedication to helping students learn. The following three ideas are DIY end of the year gifts for teachers. These ideas are creative and can be made with everyday things. Teachers will love these sweet treats, pretty decor, and punny jokes!
Pretty Flower and Flower Pot
The following gift is pretty and fun decor for your teachers room. I would recommend the flower pot because it looks great and is a very cute gift. It’s crafty, creative, not hard to make and great to whip up for a special teacher (Giggles Galore).
Traditional clay flower pot
-white (good quality, lots)
Sharpie (preferably with a small tip)
Measuring tape
Paint brushes
A live flower in dirt (such as one from Agway)
-Gift card
-skewer, dowel etc.
- First, take your pot and cover the bottom part black and the rim yellow with your paint brush(es). Once your 1st coat dries, if preferred, a second coat can be added.
- Then, once your base coat dries, use your tape measurer and sharpie and draw on your “tape measurer” lining up your tape measurer along the rim and drawing the lines and numbers.
- After that, carefully put your flower into the pot.
- Next, paint on the words, “thank you for helping me grow”.
- (OPTIONAL) Finally, take a giftcard to a store that you think your teacher would like and tape a dowel or skewer (wooden pole) to the card and stick it in the pot.
- Give your teacher your amazing gift!
Cookie In a Jar
Yum! For teachers who love sweet treats this DIY is perfect! It will create a yummy crumbly soft and gooey chocolate chip cookie, that comes in a super cute container. This recipe does not require any liquids just the basic ingredients. This recipe was taken from the king of all cookies Nestle (Very Best Baking).
1 quart Mason jar
Writing tool
Printer / paper and markers
1 ¾ cups all purpose flour
¾ teaspoon baking soda
¾ teaspoon salt
1 ½ cups chocolate chips
¾ cups packed brown sugar
½ cup granulated sugar
- Mix flour, baking soda, and salt in a bowl.
- Put that mixture at the bottom of the jar, and add the other 3 ingredients 1 by 1 so that 4 layers are formed.
- Next seal the lid.
- After that, take a card, and write on it the following instructions with your writing tool. Instructions: preheat the oven to 375° F. Beat 1 ½ sticks of softened butter, 1 large egg and 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract until blended. Add cookie mix and mix well. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto ungreased baking sheets. Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown. Cool for 2 minutes. Makes around 2 dozen cookies.
- Either print out the template above, or trace and color it by hand. Then, you can tape on your “Thanks to you I’m a smart cookie” tag to the top or front of the jar, or you can tie a string through the hole in your tag (as shown above), and attach it to the lid of the mason jar.
- Give your teacher their well deserved cookies with a funny note.
The Punny Gift
This is the master of all puns. Looking for something quick to give to your teacher that can be whipped up last minute, this craft is right up your ally. The craft was based off of one shown on Etsy (Printastic Design).
A piece of cardboard
Burt’s bees lip balm
Double sided tape
- First, cut out a piece of cardboard that resembles the one above.
- After that, cut out a piece of paper into a circle, and using markers, draw a bee. Tape it onto the top.
- Using sharpie, write, “Thanks for bee-ing such a great teacher.”
- Then, tape the chapstick on under the words.
- Next, write “you’re the balm!”
- Finally, give your teacher your funny, thoughtful, easy-to-make gift.
Overall, teachers should be celebrated for what they do for students each and every day. These hacks will show that you care about your teacher, like they care about you. Whether making these gifts or others, make sure to thank your teachers for what they do for you every day. How did your teacher like their fabulous gift?
“Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix In A Jar.” NESTLÉ® Very Best Baking, Nestle,
Mariah. “Thanks for Helping Me Grow {Teacher Gifts}.” Giggles Galore, House of Ideas, 24 Mar. 2015,
PrintasticDesign. “EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION Gift- You’re the Balm Chapstick Thank You Cards with Instant PDF Download.” Etsy,